Swift County Human Services
Services and Responsibilities:
Swift County Human Services is the County's human service agency. Established in 1937, the Department currently has 40 employees. The Department has two main components: financial services and social services. Within those areas, the Department services 3,186 cases for financial services, which means about 700 Swift County residents receive SNAP and 2,783 Swift County residents make use of governmental health care programs. In addition, there are 469 adult social services open cases and over 200 child social services open cases.
The Eligibility Unit provides applications and determinations for the following public programs:
- Childcare Assistance Program
- General Assistance (GA)
- Medical Assistance (MA)
- Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
- Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA)
- Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) - previously known as food support and/or food stamps
- Collect calls are accepted for SNAP
- Phone Interviews may be allowed for some programs.
The Child Support Unit provides services for establishment and enforcement of court orders for paternity and/or support obligations.
There is a staff of six eligibility workers, one eligibility worker specialist, one child support officer, one support and collection specialist, two office support specialists, and one financial assistance supervisor. This makes a staff complement of twelve full-time persons. The majority of funding for these services comes from State and Federal sources.
The Social Services Unit provides services in six (6) cluster areas:
- Children's Services
- Child Protection
- Child Welfare
- Mental Health
- Adult
- Child
- Developmental Disabilities
- Substance Use Disorder Assessment
- Adult Services
- Adult Protection
- Elderly Services
- Licensing
- Family Daycare Homes
- Child and Adult Foster Care
The services primarily involve completing assessments or investigations, developing individual case plans, contracting for services from an array of 53 providers of service, and case management. There is a staff of 20 social workers, one full‑time case aide, and two social service supervisors. This makes a staff complement of 23. The majority of funding for these services comes from the County levy.
The Administration Unit of the Department provides the fiscal and financial management, personnel administration and other administrative functions. There is a staff of one accounting technician, two Information Systems Specialist, Sr., one fiscal supervisor, and the director. This makes a complement of five persons.